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Privilege and access management

The ARCON | Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution provides over every aspect of your IT infrastructure, so that you can build contextual security around your most important asset: data. Its granular access control allows you to structure your security infrastructure the way you want, giving and revoking access for whomever you wish, whenever you wish, all on your own terms.
For more information please visit (

Endpoint Privilege Management

The ARCON | Endpoint Privilege Management solution (EPM) grants endpoint privileges ‘just-in-time’ or ‘on-demand’ and monitors all end users for you. The tool detects insider threats, compromised identities, and other malicious attempts to breach endpoints. It has a powerful User behavior Analytics component that takes note of the normal conduct of end users and identifies atypical behavior profiles and other entities in the network, for more information please visit (

Identity and Access Management

ARCON | IDAM is a solution that ensures the details of an employee’s overall employment tenure are maintained and managed from a single console. This allows administrators to perform access certification and review activity in a much faster and more efficient manner. At the same time, the end users do not have to wait too long to gain legitimate access to business applications, legacy applications, or IT Infrastructure devices,

for more information please visit (

Single sign- on

ARCON | Single Sign-On (SSO) is an access management capability decider that enables employees to access multiple disparate systems by authenticating just once. ARCON | SSO offers a reliable integration for SSO to all mobile and web applications, optimized for mobile platforms, with industry-standard SAML authentication and other modern protocols, for more information please visit (

Secrete Management

ARCON | My Vault is a File and Secret Management application. With My Vault, users can perform operations such as uploading, downloading, viewing, sharing and deleting files/secrets from the vault just as one does on a regular drive. Users can share (documents, spreadsheets, images, certificates, SSH Keys, video, and/or audio files) with other My Vault users without sending them through email or printing them out, for more information please visit (

Global Remote Access

ARCON | Global Remote Access (GRA) is a new remote desktop tool that allows administrators to establish a remote connection within an enterprise network to any client machine. In case of a problem, client users can allow admins or help desk engineers to troubleshoot the machine in a controlled environment, for more information please visit (

Cloud Governance

Using cloud infrastructure is crucial to your company’s success, but securing access to cloud platforms comes with its own set of issues that put your business at risk. Each cloud platform has its own set of access management tools, but they are limited to managing their own environments and do not scale to include others, for more information please visit (

Application security

Including Web Application Protection, API Protection, Full Spectrum DDoS Protection, Advanced Bot Protection, Secure App Delivery, Reporting & Analytics. 

For more information please visit (

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